
Players invite new players to join Apes Football through the QR code or invitation link, and then they can get an airdrop blind box, which has a 95% chance of opening an N card and a 5% chance of starting an R card. The prerequisite for the player to get the airdrop is that he has bought at least one blind box, and the invitee must complete a blind box purchase.

玩家通过二维码或邀请链接,邀请新玩家成功加入Apes Football,即可获得空投盲盒一个,该盲盒有95%的机率开出N卡,5%的机率开始R卡。玩家获得空投的前提是至少买过一次盲盒,并且被邀请者也要完成一次盲盒购买。

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